Practice Time

The Practice graph tells you how you are doing on reaching your practice goal. You can toggle the switch under the graph to show your progress by day, week or month. Your practice goal was set during onboarding and can be reset under settings.


Session Complete

Thank you for contributing your brainwaves to meditation science!  With help from people like you, we will develop audio feedback algorithms to train the mind and brain to instantly recognize when it is headed toward depth or distraction. Your taps will help us to find the key metrics that are most relevant for measuring depth… Read more Session Complete



This is a list of all your meditation sessions. Click on the right side of a Session tile to see the Summary screen for that session. From there you can go to the brainwave analyzer for more detail.  You can filter and sort this list.


Progress by Practice

Use the graphs to tell you how you are progressing on each of your practices.   The Metrics Progress Graph shows progress over time on each metric. Our minds are so wired to expect that “up is good” that we program the graph so up is always in the good direction. If the metric needs to… Read more Progress by Practice


General Protocols

The GoDeeper brainwave protocols for each of these General Protocols are based on composites of research findings related to multiple techniques that fall under each general meditation category. Thus, the descriptions of the goal and technique in each general category are also amalgams and do not attempt to describe all techniques and levels in that… Read more General Protocols


Great Meditation Teachers

Finding the Best Meditation Teacher for You We believe that finding the right technique and teacher for you is essential for success in going deeper.  We will never have built-in guided meditations because we believe that finding the right teacher for you is a highly personal quest. There are many wonderful and famous meditation teachers,… Read more Great Meditation Teachers


The Brainwave Analyzer

This is your triple scoop banana split ice cream sundae dessert.  The Brainwave Analyzer gives you super powerful and easy to use tools for analyzing your meditation brainwaves. Graphs What was going on in my brain when I was in a deep or distracted state? Your goal is to make the Blue Dash pattern very… Read more The Brainwave Analyzer


Progress: Stats

Click on the Points, Trophy, and Wandering icons to turn on graph lines for the per-minute Stats for each. Click on the BT (Blue Threshold) button to display a purple line that shows when you changed the blue threshold. You should expect more time in the blue zone, more reward and more points per minute … Read more Progress: Stats


Progress: Time

This chart tracks how much time you are meditating vs. your goal. Under the chart is a list of all your sessions where you can:


Progress: % Reward

Click on the B, G, and R buttons on the right to turn on graph lines for the percent of time you spend in the blue, green, and red zones.  Time spent in each zone is not a measure of progress unless you never change your blue zone reward threshold. This will not make immediate… Read more Progress: % Reward
