
Theta (4-7.75 Hz) Power

Theta Rule

We reward higher posterior Theta to enhance relaxation and decrease brain arousal. Increased posterior Theta activity is associated with the onset of Stage I sleep, the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep (Jacobs & Friedman 2004). This rule supports a hypoactive central nervous system comparable to Stage I sleep where energy restoration can easily occur. Alpha is commonly associated with relaxation, but Theta activity may be the most reliable marker of the central nervous system effects of relaxation training (Jacobs & Friedman 2004).

Theta Weights

Level 1 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +1, while Level 2 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +2. The higher weight in Level 2 reflects the fact that Theta responds slower than fast oscillations like Beta, where Level 1 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +2.