Delta (2-4 Hz) Power
Delta Rule
Open Heart rewards higher frontal Delta to turn on the desire centers of the brain in the frontal region. Delta waves are generated in the brain reward system and are closely related to motivational and reward processing (Knyazev 2012). Open Heart meditations involve desiring happiness and freedom from suffering for oneself and others and thus stimulate the reward centers and often generate positive and loving feelings.
Delta Weights
Levels 2 and 3 meditators are given a rule weight of +1. Levels 2 and 3 meditators have moved beyond mechanistic recitations of the loving phrases and are exerting great effort in feeling the loving feelings in their bodies generated from the Loving Kindness phrases. Level 1 meditators are not assigned a rule weight as Delta training may be counterproductive due to the risk of slow-frequency drowsiness.