Beta (13-25 Hz)
Beta Rules
We reward posterior Beta going down to decrease the processing of incoming stimuli (Dunn et al. 1999, Amihai & Kozhevnikov 2014). The back of the brain processes sense perception for sight, sound, touch, and time. When processing in this region is reduced, it is easier to maintain mindful, open awareness in a timeless, inner world.
Less back right Beta is also rewarded, as research shows that this correlates with a reduced sense of self that’s more identified with bodily sensations. Advanced mindfulness meditators seek to cultivate a selfless mode of awareness where they are identified with experiencing itself and not the body and its sensations. Dor-Ziderman et al. 2013 found that when back right Beta goes down, the sense of ownership of bodily sensations also decreases.
Beta Weights
Level 1 & 2 meditators are assigned a rule weight of -2 for the posterior Beta down rule.
The back right Beta down rule (-2) is assigned only to Level 4 meditators where selflessness applies. The rule is derived from a study where the participants had an average of 16.5 years of experience with mindfulness practice (Dor-Ziderman et al. 2013).