
Alpha 1 (8-10 Hz) Power

Alpha 1 Rule

We reward frontal Alpha 1 for internal focus (Travis et al. 2010). Higher frontal Alpha power during Transcendental Meditation (TM) indicates the mind is internally focused and restfully alert. Accessing this state allows the thinking mind to settle down to a state of deep inner stillness that goes beyond surface-level thoughts and feelings.

Alpha 1 Weights

Levels 1, 2, and 3 Quiet Mind meditators are assigned a rule weight of +1. All levels from beginner to advanced are given the same rule weight because studies have shown that TM does not have the novice/expert dichotomy seen in other meditation traditions (Brefczynski-Lewis et al. 2007). Level 4 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +3 because Level 4 is TM-Samyama, which shows higher frontal Alpha 1 than regular TM (Travis 2011, Travis et al. 2010).

Alpha 1 (8-10 Hz) Coherence

Alpha 1 Coherence Rule

Higher frontal Alpha 1 coherence is rewarded to promote unified quiet cognition in the thinking part of the brain. Greater Alpha coherence between the left and right hemispheres is associated with a brain that is working as a whole, including better attention, more cognitive flexibility, and more effortless transcending. This measure plateaus after about 2 months of TM practice and has been shown to be the most sensitive indicator of a Quiet Mind (Travis & Parim 2017, Travis & Shear 2010, Travis et al. 2010, Travis & Arenander 2006, Travis et al. 2002, Travis & Wallace 1999, Dillbeck & Bronson 1981). 

Alpha 1 Coherence Weights

Levels 1 through 4 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +1. This is because studies have shown brainwave profiles of Quiet Mind meditators stabilize after just a few months of transcending.  Further changes result not from the practice, but from experience-dependent plasticity as these changes integrate into daily living (Travis et al. 2010).

Alpha (7-13 Hz) Synchrony

Alpha Synchrony Rule

We reward increased front-to-back Alpha synchrony to unify the brain in contentless perception (Hebert et al. 2005). Alpha synchrony measures the degree of precise timing of Alpha oscillations in separate regions of the brain. The ground state of consciousness (thoughtless awareness), achieved when transcending, represents a condition of zero-lag Alpha phase where consciousness is completely unified and integrated. 

Alpha Synchrony Weights

Level 3 and 4 meditators are given a rule weight of +1, as this finding is derived from a study with long-term practitioners (~25 years of regular practice) (Hebert 2005).