
Alpha 1 (8-10 Hz) Power

Alpha 1 Rule

We reward frontal Alpha 1 to promote internal focus. Frontal Alpha 1 inhibits executive decision making in the front of the brain and promotes a relaxed, internally focused witness consciousness. 

Alpha 1 Weights

Level 1 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +1, while Level 2, 3, and 4 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +2. We want Alpha greater than Theta and Delta in order to gather insights gleaned at deeper levels.

Alpha 2 (10-12 Hz) Power

Alpha 2 Rule

We reward posterior Alpha 2 going up to support tuning out processing of the outside world (Klimesch 2012). Posterior Alpha 2 increases when blocking out the outside world to focus on the inner world. This rule helps the meditator focus inward for relaxation, insights, and peak experiences.

Alpha 2 Weights

All levels are assigned a rule weight of +1 for this rule. All levels can benefit from blocking processing of sense perceptions to aid in the journey inwards. Level 1 rewards a strong Alpha and penalizes Beta in order to suppress internal self-dialog.

Alpha (8-12 Hz) – Beta (20-30 Hz) Power Difference

Alpha-Beta Power Difference Rule

This rule ensures that Alpha is higher than Beta across the front and back of the brain to avoid going into Busy Mind (Wise 2002). If Beta is higher than Alpha, we are on the rails of normal thinking and not relaxed enough to enter into deeper states. Too much Beta can result in stress, anxiety, and unwanted tension.

Alpha-Beta Power Difference Weights

All levels are assigned a rule weight of +1 for this rule. Alpha power must be greater than Beta power across all levels to ensure a strong bridge between the conscious and subconscious minds.

Alpha (8-12 Hz) – Theta (4-8 Hz) Power Difference

Alpha-Theta Power Difference Rule

We reward when Alpha power is greater than Theta power in the front and back of the brain. This enables meditators to stay aware of material bubbling up from the unconscious mind (Wise 2002). WIthout Alpha, these insights are not accessible to the conscious mind and stay locked away in the subconscious. 

Alpha-Theta Power Difference Weights

All levels are assigned a rule weight of +1 for this rule, as having Alpha higher than Theta is a necessity for the Awakened Mind brain pattern.