
Alpha (8-12 Hz) Power

Alpha Rule

Right Alpha power up and left Alpha power down is rewarded to decrease depression and anxiety. An underactive left brain is associated with depression, while an overactive right brain is associated with anxiety. The essence of this rule is to normalize the left-right Alpha brain wave balance, helping to support a positive mood. 

Alpha Weights

Levels 1, 2, and 3 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +2 for this rule. Compared to the Gamma asymmetry rule, this rule doubles the weights as it is a more prevalent finding in the literature (Quaedflieg et al. 2016, Mennella et al. 2017).

Alpha 2 (10-12 Hz) Power

Alpha 2 Rule

Alpha 2 is rewarded in the back of the brain to block out the outside world (Klimesch 2012, Kakumanu et al. 2018). We reward Alpha 2 here to support focus on good feelings in the body without being distracted by external sense perceptions. 

Alpha 2 Weights

Levels 2 and 3 meditators are assigned a rule weight of +1. These levels are developing a strong focus on the body and its sensations.