
Alpha (8-12 Hz) 

Alpha Rules

Higher posterior Alpha is rewarded in order to turn down sensory processing of the outside world (Aftanas & Golocheikine 2001, Brandmeyer & Delorme 2016, Braboszcz et al. 2017). This rule also supports the development of Focus, as turning down perceptual processing allows meditators to focus on their inner world with fewer distractions.

We also reward higher right Alpha to turn down emotional processing (Faber et al. 2015). The right hemisphere is specialized for the expression and experience of emotion. Turning up Alpha waves helps to inhibit emotional processing and calm emotional reactions. With less emotional reactivity, a calm awareness can more easily emerge that simply notices thoughts and emotions but does not identify with them.

Alpha Weights

The back Alpha up rule applies to Level 1 meditators only, who are given a rule weight of +2. This rule is designed for beginners who are developing focus prior to mindfulness. The other levels have developed enough sustained attention on the present moment to not need the support of Alpha 1 in eliminating distractions.

The right Alpha rule applies to Levels 3 and 4 meditators, who are assigned a rule weight of +1. This rule is derived from advanced Open Monitoring studies (Faber et al. 2015).

Alpha 1 (8-10 Hz)

Alpha 1 Rule

In addition to broad Alpha, higher frontal Alpha 1 is rewarded in order to promote internal attention (Aftanas & Golocheikine 2001, Brandmeyer & Delorme 2016, Nair et al. 2017, Sharma et al. 2018). Alpha 1 promotes a relaxed, witness consciousness that can more easily let go of control and detach from thoughts.  

Alpha 1 Weights

This rule applies solely to Level 1 meditators, who are developing their focus, a prerequisite to mindfulness. Establishing a Focus practice calms the mind of distractions and strengthens awareness of thoughts, feelings, and sensations—which are then taken as objects of attention in mindfulness. 

Levels 1 and 2 are assigned a rule weight of +1. Meditators at these levels are working hard to focus on the present moment, and let go of the mind’s tendency to drift into the past and future. Rewarding Alpha 1 helps to set the groundwork for connecting with the calm observing part of the mind.