Neurofeedback researchers have found that brain training works best when we are rewarded about 60-80% of the time. The Goldilocks point is different for each person. After you pick a new practice, we calibrate that practice for one minute to create thresholds that a target a reward rate based on your level of proficiency.
- Level 1 – 80% Reward – It is best to give beginners lots of positive reinforcement because mediation is so difficult at the beginning.
- Level 2 – 70% Reward
- Level 3 – 60% Reward
- Level 4 – 50% Reward – A 50% reward rate gives the most sensitive feedback, but it can be too frustrating until you have learned to let go of your attachment to rewards.
It is a best practice in neurofeedback to adjust the reward threshold to optimize learning.
- If the reinforcement rate is too low, the learner gets discouraged.
- If the reinforcement rate is too high, the learner gets bored.
Just like a video game, setting your level of difficulty optimizes learning and your ability to get into a flow state.
If you are having a particularly good or bad day, you can use the Reward Threshold Slider to manually adjust your optimal reinforcement rate. Try to set the Reward Threshold Slider at whatever setting gives you the most pleasure. Pleasure is the key to an optimal learning rate. Try to keep your ego out of the Reward Percent setting process. Masochists, don’t be too hard on yourself! Hedonists, don’t flood yourself with dopamine from too many rewards. 😊
One of the inspirations for the development of GoDeeper was the realization that the Muse uses fixed thresholds which did not maximize one’s rate of learning. The creator of GoDeeper was very frustrated with how few birdies he got in his first year with the Muse and almost quit several times. His friend got bored and quit because she got so many birdies that it sounded like she was sitting in an aviary and wasn’t challenged enough.