Reviewing Session Results

Metrics Report Card

Each of these are metrics that are relevant for your style of mediation and level of expertise. Under each metric, we explain which way they are supposed to go and how they contribute to a deeper meditation. We have gathered tips from several meditation teachers about how to get the brain waves to go in the right direction. If you find something that works well for you, please share it on the forum.

The depth indicators on the right are based on Cohen’s d statistics for effect size:

  • Deeper: Large effect size >=.8
  • Deep: Medium effect size +.3 – .79
  • Baseline: Small Effect size -.3 to +.3
  • Shallow: Medium effect size or more in the wrong direction <-.3

Cohen’s d is calculated by (the average during meditation – the average of the baseline)/the pooled standard deviation of your mediation session and baseline session).

Brainwave Analyzer

Tap on the Brainwave Analyzer button, for a much deeper analysis of the brainwave metrics during your meditation. It is deeply scientific so you may want to wait until after your meditation glow has worn off before you put your head back into strongly cognitive mode.

Taps Quality Rating

It is very important that you indicate how reliable you feel your taps were in declaring if you were deep or distracted in the 12 seconds before you tapped. If you give your taps a rating for 4 or 5 stars, we throw out the two seconds before you tapped and analyze the brain waves of the ten seconds before that. You can also edit out the bad taps in the Brainwave analyzer.

Happiness rating

One of the hindrances in meditation is being too tough on yourself.  Rating your feeling about the session is a reminder that you don’t need to be happy every moment.


Because mediation is such an internal skill, you will learn faster if you keep a journal that compares your subjective impressions with the objective data on meditative depth.  Are there any tips or tricks that you learned in the session that brought you deeper? If you have a coach, this is a good way to tell him or her about your experience so they can better interpret your brainwaves from the sessions.
