IMBR Meditation Science Contributor Application Form
How Donating Your Meditation Brainwaves
helps Meditators Worldwide
We deeply appreciate your willingness to participate in a scientific study that will have a significant impact on humanity's understanding of what happens in the brain during meditation. Meditation Brainwave science has been significantly held back by having too few subjects (~20) and too few measurements (usually just EEG power changes in Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma).
We are running the largest, most comprehensive study of meditation brainwaves by recruiting 1000 committed meditators who are comfortable meditating for 20 minutes or longer to do a minimum of 10 sessions which will be analyzed using 1000 brain metrics. This is only possible by using an innovative consumer device (MUSE) that can produce high-quality EEG and hard core science software (MATLAB) that can analyze the 12 million seconds of data with 1000 metrics.
When we have robust, reliable results, we will build super-accurate feedback protocols to help meditators get to mastery more quickly. Not because it is a race, but because we want to spend more time in expansive, present moment states with fewer wrong turns to get there. That's why we like to call it "GPS for meditation".
Let's Begin...
Application Details
- We give first preference to meditators who seem the most committed to annotating their sessions with depth indicators. That means tapping on your phone's screen once after coming out of a deep spell and twice after coming out of mind wandering.
- The IMBR GoDeeper research app is free for the first six months as long as you keep contributing 10 sessions per month. After six months, we will release it to the world for $10/month.
- All valid sessions must be at least 20 minutes long and have at least four indications of depth or mind wandering.
- To participate in the study you must own, borrow, or rent a MUSE headset. If you don't have one:
- You can buy a new comfy MUSE S for $399 or sleek Muse 2 for $249 and get 15% off with the IMBR coupon code (GoDeeper). You can usually find used MUSE headsets for half price on eBAY.
- If you are an individual, you can rent a MUSE S for $100/month or Muse 2 for $70/month.
- If you are connected to a physical meditation center, you can get a loaner headset to share after five people from your center have been accepted into the IMBR research program.
You do not have to figure out where you are going to get a MUSE headset before you apply to the IMBR research program. There are over 500,000 MUSE headsets in the world. Ask your meditating friends if they have one to borrow or post a note in your retreat center's newsletter.